
void AnimTo(Vec3 destination, float duration, EaseFn easeFn)

This sets up an easing animation for this value. It will now ease from its current state, to its destination state over a duration of time.

Vec3 destination This is the final state for the value when the easing animation has finished.
float duration The duration of the easing animation in seconds.
EaseFn easeFn An easing function the animation will follow. A good all-around default would be Ease.SoftOut. A number of easing functions can be found in the Ease class.
void AnimTo(float x, float y, float z, float duration, EaseFn easeFn)

This sets up an easing animation for this value. It will now ease from its current state, to its destination state over a duration of time.

float x X component of a Vec3
float y Y component of a Vec3
float z Z component of a Vec3


Easing a Cube

Here we’re just animating a cube around, using some custom easing functions as well as builtin ones! The color here is animated using a conventional animation, just flipping through various hues, but the pose and scale are using easing to go to a position and come back!

Easing Cube

// Initial starting values for the pose, size, and color of a cube that
// we'll animate!
EasePose  pose  = new EasePose (V.XYZ(0,-0.1f,-0.5f), Quat.Identity);
EaseVec3  scale = new EaseVec3 (0.1f,0.1f,0.1f);
EaseColor color = new EaseColor(Color.White);

// Here's a custom easing function! This one goes from 0 to 1 and then back
// to 0 again! So it actually ends in the exact same place it started. We
// could achieve the same behavior with just sin(pi*t), but the rest of the
// math here softens the start and end of the animation.
// See a graph here: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/zz8cdvrvju
static float EaseReturn(float t) => (float)Math.Sin(2*Math.PI*t - 0.5*Math.PI) * 0.5f + 0.5f;

void StepEasedCube()
	// If the Ease animation for the Pose is finished or never started to
	// begin with, we can make it hop with our custom `EaseReturn`
	// function!
	if (pose.IsFinished)
			new Pose(V.XYZ(0, 0.1f, -0.5f), Quat.FromAngles(0, 180, 0)),

	if (scale.IsFinished)
			V.XYZ(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f),

	// For the color, we're picking a semi-random hue, and using one of the
	// built-in easing functions to just ease all the way to our
	// destination color!
	if (color.IsFinished)
			Color.HSV((Time.Frame % 100) / 100.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f),

	// Convert `pose` and `scale` into a transform Matrix! Ease values have
	// implicit conversions that will automatically `Resolve` the current
	// value, so most of the time you can just pass them the same way you
	// would a normal type. In this case to call `ToMatrix` we need to
	// either explicitly cast, or call `Resolve`, and `Resolve` is the most
	// obvious action.
	Matrix transform = pose.Resolve().ToMatrix(scale);
	Mesh.Cube.Draw(Material.Default, transform, color);

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