enum AppFocus

This tells about the app’s current focus state, whether it’s active and receiving input, or if it’s backgrounded or hidden. This can be important since apps may still run and render when unfocused, as the app may still be visible behind the app that does have focus.

Enum Values

Active This StereoKit app is active, focused, and receiving input from the user. Application should behave as normal.
Background This StereoKit app has been unfocused, something may be compositing on top of the app such as an OS dashboard. The app is still visible, but some other thing has focus and is receiving input. You may wish to pause, disable input tracking, or other such things.
Hidden This app is not rendering currently.


Checking for changes in application focus

static AppFocus lastFocus = AppFocus.Hidden;
static void CheckFocus()
	if (lastFocus != SK.AppFocus)
		lastFocus = SK.AppFocus;
		Log.Info($"App focus changed to: {lastFocus}");

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