enum BtnState

A bit-flag for the current state of a button input.

Enum Values

Active Is the button currently down, pressed?
Any Matches with all states!
Changed Has the button just changed state this frame?
Inactive Is the button currently up, unpressed?
JustActive Has the button just been pressed? Only true for a single frame.
JustInactive Has the button just been released? Only true for a single frame.


BtnState state = Input.Hand(Handed.Right).pinch;

// You can check a BtnState using bit-flag logic
if ((state & BtnState.Changed) > 0)
	Log.Info("Pinch state just changed!");

// Or you can check the same values with the extension methods, no
// bit flag logic :)
if (state.IsChanged())
	Log.Info("Pinch state just changed!");

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