TrackState trackedPos
This tells the current tracking state of the controller’s position information. This is often the first part of tracking data to go, so it can often be good to account for this on occasions.
Controller Debug Visualizer
This function shows a debug visualization of the current state of the controller! It’s not something you’d show to users, but it’s nice for just seeing how the API works, or as a temporary visualization.
void ShowController(Handed hand)
Controller c = Input.Controller(hand);
if (!c.IsTracked) return;
// Pick the controller color based on trackin info state
Color color = Color.Black;
if (c.trackedPos == TrackState.Inferred) color.g = 0.5f;
if (c.trackedPos == TrackState.Known) color.g = 1;
if (c.trackedRot == TrackState.Inferred) color.b = 0.5f;
if (c.trackedRot == TrackState.Known) color.b = 1;
Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, Matrix.S(new Vec3(3, 3, 8) *, color);
// Show button info on the back of the controller
Hierarchy.Push(Matrix.TR(0,1.6f*,0, Quat.LookAt(Vec3.Zero, new Vec3(0,1,0), new Vec3(0,0,-1))));
// Show the tracking states as text
Text.Add(c.trackedPos==TrackState.Known?"(pos)":(c.trackedPos==TrackState.Inferred?"~pos~":"pos"), Matrix.TS(0,-0.03f,0, 0.25f));
Text.Add(c.trackedRot==TrackState.Known?"(rot)":(c.trackedRot==TrackState.Inferred?"~rot~":"rot"), Matrix.TS(0,-0.02f,0, 0.25f));
// Show the controller's buttons
Text.Add(Input.ControllerMenuButton.IsActive()?"(menu)":"menu", Matrix.TS(0,-0.01f,0, 0.25f));
Text.Add(c.IsX1Pressed?"(X1)":"X1", Matrix.TS(0,0.00f,0, 0.25f));
Text.Add(c.IsX2Pressed?"(X2)":"X2", Matrix.TS(0,0.01f,0, 0.25f));
// Show the analog stick's information
Vec3 stickAt = new Vec3(0, 0.03f, 0);
Lines.Add(stickAt, stickAt + c.stick.XY0*0.01f, Color.White, 0.001f);
if (c.IsStickClicked) Text.Add("O", Matrix.TS(stickAt, 0.25f));
// And show the trigger and grip buttons
Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, Matrix.TS(0, -0.015f, -0.005f, new Vec3(0.01f, 0.04f, 0.01f)) * Matrix.TR(new Vec3(0,0.02f,0.03f), Quat.FromAngles(-45+c.trigger*40, 0,0) ));
Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, Matrix.TS(0.0149f*(hand == Handed.Right?1:-1), 0, 0.015f, new Vec3(0.01f*(1-c.grip), 0.04f, 0.01f)));
// And show the pointer
Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.Material, c.aim.ToMatrix(new Vec3(1,1,4) *, Color.HSV(0,0.5f,0.8f).ToLinear());
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