enum FingerId

Index values for each finger! From 0-4, from thumb to little finger.

Enum Values

Index The primary index/pointer finger! Finger 1.
Little Finger 4, the smallest little finger! AKA, The Pinky.
Middle Finger 2, next to the index finger.
Ring Finger 3! What does one do with this finger? I guess… wear rings on it?
Thumb Finger 0.


Here’s a small example of checking to see if a finger joint is inside a box, and drawing an axis gizmo when it is!

// A volume for checking inside of! 10cm on each side, at the origin
Bounds testArea = new Bounds(Vec3.One * 0.1f);

// This is a decent way to show we're working with both hands
for (int h = 0; h < (int)Handed.Max; h++)
	// Get the pose for the index fingertip
	Hand hand      = Input.Hand((Handed)h);
	Pose fingertip = hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].Pose;

	// Skip this hand if it's not tracked
	if (!hand.IsTracked) continue;

	// Draw the fingertip pose axis if it's inside the volume
	if (testArea.Contains(fingertip.position))

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