
static bool FingerGlow{ get set }


This controls the visibility of StereoKit’s finger glow effect on the UI. When true, SK will fill out global shader variable sk_fingertip[2] with the location of the pointer finger’s tips. When false, or the hand is untracked, the location will be set to an unlikely faraway position.


Disabling Finger Glow

When using StereoKit’s built-in UI shaders, or the shader API’s sk_finger_glow, StereoKit provides a glowing aura around the pointer finger.

Finger Glow on a Window panel

This feature is on by default, but can be disabled without modifying shaders! As long as Input.FingerGlow is false at the end of the frame, StereoKit will skip providing the shaders with valid finger pose data for the glow effect.

Input.FingerGlow = false;

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