
static HandSimId HandSimPoseAdd(Pose[] handJointsPalmRelative25, ControllerKey button1, ControllerKey andButton2, Key orHotkey1, Key andHotkey2)

StereoKit will use controller inputs to simulate an articulated hand. This function allows you to add new simulated poses to different controller or keyboard buttons!

Pose[] handJointsPalmRelative25 25 joint poses, thumb to pinky, and root to tip with two duplicate poses for the thumb root joint. These should be right handed, and relative to the palm joint.
ControllerKey button1 Controller button to activate this pose, can be None if this is a keyboard only pose.
ControllerKey andButton2 Second controller button required to activate this pose. First must also be pressed. Can be None if it’s only a single button pose.
Key orHotkey1 Keyboard key to activate this pose, can be None if this is a controller only pose.
Key andHotkey2 Second keyboard key required to activate this pose. First must also be pressed. Can be None if it’s only a single key pose.
RETURNS: HandSimId Returns the id of the hand sim pose, so it can be removed later.

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