
static void TextInjectChar(uint unicodeCharUTF32)

This will inject a UTF32 Unicode text character into StereoKit’s text input queue. It will be available at the start of the next frame, and will be indistinguishable from normal text entry.

This will not submit key press/release events to StereoKit’s input queue, use KeyInjectPress/Release for that.

uint unicodeCharUTF32 An unsigned integer representing a single UTF32 character.
static void TextInjectChar(string chars)

This will convert a C# string into a number of UTF32 Unicode text characters, and inject them into StereoKit’s text input queue. It will be available at the start of the next frame, and will be indistinguishable from normal text entry.

This will not submit key press/release events to StereoKit’s input queue, use KeyInjectPress/Release for that.

string chars A collection of characters to submit as text input.
static void TextInjectChar(Byte[] chars, Encoding charEncoding)

This will convert a byte array string into a number of UTF32 Unicode text characters, and inject them into StereoKit’s text input queue. It will be available at the start of the next frame, and will be indistinguishable from normal text entry.

This will not submit key press/release events to StereoKit’s input queue, use KeyInjectPress/Release for that.

Byte[] chars A byte array representing a string in some encoded format.
Encoding charEncoding The encoding format of the byte array. Note that an encoding of UTF32 will skip converting bytes to UTF32.

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