
IEnumerable`1 GetAllParamInfo()

Gets an enumerable list of all parameter information on the Material. This includes all global shader variables and textures.

RETURNS: IEnumerable`1 A pretty standard IEnumarable of MatParamInfo that can be used with foreach.


Listing parameters in a Material

// Iterate using a foreach
Log.Info("Builtin PBR Materials contain these parameters:");
foreach (MatParamInfo info in Material.PBR.GetAllParamInfo())
	Log.Info($"- {info.type,8}: {}");

// Or with a normal for loop
Log.Info("Builtin Unlit Materials contain these parameters:");
for (int i=0; i<Material.Unlit.ParamCount; i+=1)
	MatParamInfo info = Material.Unlit.GetParamInfo(i);
	Log.Info($"- {info.type,8}: {}");

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