
static Matrix LookAt(Vec3 from, Vec3 at)

A transformation that describes one position looking at another point. This is particularly useful for describing camera transforms!

Vec3 from The location the transform is looking from, or the position of the ‘camera’.
Vec3 at The location the transform is looking towards, or the subject of the ‘camera’.
RETURNS: Matrix A common camera-like transform matrix.
static Matrix LookAt(Vec3 from, Vec3 at, Vec3 up)

A transformation that describes one position looking at another point. This is particularly useful for describing camera transforms!

Vec3 from The location the transform is looking from, or the position of the ‘camera’.
Vec3 at The location the transform is looking towards, or the subject of the ‘camera’.
Vec3 up This controlls the roll value of the lookat transform, this would be the direction the top of the camera is facing. In most cases, this is just Vec3.Up.
RETURNS: Matrix A common camera-like transform matrix.

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