
ModelNode Add(string name, Matrix modelTransform, Mesh mesh, Material material, bool solid)

This adds a root node to the Model’s node hierarchy! If There is already an initial root node, this node will still be a root node, but will be a Sibling of the Model’s RootNode. If this is the first root node added, you’ll be able to access it via RootNode.

string name A text name to identify the node. If null is provided, it will be auto named to “node”+index.
Matrix modelTransform A Matrix describing this node’s transform in Model space.
Mesh mesh The Mesh to attach to this Node’s visual, if this is null, then material must also be null.
Material material The Material to attach to this Node’s visual, if this is null, then mesh must also be null.
bool solid A flag that indicates the Mesh for this node will be used in ray intersection tests. This flag is ignored if no Mesh is attached.
RETURNS: ModelNode This returns the newly added ModelNode, or if there’s an issue with mesh and material being inconsistently null, then this result will also be null.

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