static bool FilePickerVisible{ get }
This will check if the file picker interface is currently visible. Some pickers will never show this, as they block the application until the picker has completed.
Opening a Model
This is a simple button that will open a 3D model selection file picker, and make a call to OnLoadModel after a file has been successfully picked!
if (UI.Button("Open Model") && !Platform.FilePickerVisible) {
Platform.FilePicker(PickerMode.Open, OnLoadModel, null, Assets.ModelFormats);
Once you have the filename, it’s simply a matter of loading it from file. This is an example of async loading a model, and calculating a scale value that ensures the model is a reasonable size.
private void OnLoadModel(string filename)
model = Model.FromFile(filename);
modelTask = Assets.CurrentTask;
modelScale = 1 / model.Bounds.dimensions.Magnitude;
if (model.Anims.Count > 0)
model.PlayAnim(model.Anims[0], AnimMode.Loop);
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