
static Quat LookAt(Vec3 lookFromPoint, Vec3 lookAtPoint, Vec3 upDirection)

Creates a rotation that describes looking from a point, to another point! This is a great function for camera style rotation, or other facing behavior when you know where an object is, and where you want it to look at. This rotation works best when applied to objects that face Vec3.Forward in their resting/model space pose.

Vec3 lookFromPoint Position of where the ‘object’ is.
Vec3 lookAtPoint Position of where the ‘object’ should be looking towards!
Vec3 upDirection Look From/At positions describe X and Y axis rotation well, but leave Z Axis/Roll undefined. Providing an upDirection vector helps to indicate roll around the From/At line. A common up direction would be (0,1,0), to prevent roll.
RETURNS: Quat A rotation that describes looking from a point, towards another point.
static Quat LookAt(Vec3 lookFromPoint, Vec3 lookAtPoint)

Creates a rotation that describes looking from a point, to another point! This is a great function for camera style rotation, or other facing behavior when you know where an object is, and where you want it to look at. This rotation works best when applied to objects that face Vec3.Forward in their resting/model space pose.

This overload automatically defines ‘upDirection’ as (0,1,0). This indicates the rotation should contain no roll around the Z axis, and is the most common way of using this type of rotation.

Vec3 lookFromPoint Position of where the ‘object’ is.
Vec3 lookAtPoint Position of where the ‘object’ should be looking towards!
RETURNS: Quat A rotation that describes looking from a point, towards another point.


Quat.LookAt and LookDir are probably one of the easiest ways to work with quaternions in StereoKit! They’re handy functions to have a good understanding of. Here’s an example of how you might use them.

// Draw a box that always rotates to face the user
Vec3 boxPos = new Vec3(1,0,1);
Quat boxRot = Quat.LookAt(boxPos, Input.Head.position);
Mesh.Cube.Draw(Material.Default, Matrix.TR(boxPos, boxRot));

// Make a Window that faces a user that enters the app looking
// Forward.
Pose winPose = new Pose(0,0,-0.5f, Quat.LookDir(0,0,1));
UI.WindowBegin("Posed Window", ref winPose);

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