
static Tex FromColors(Color32[]& colors, int width, int height, bool sRGBData)

Creates a texture and sets the texture’s pixels using a color array! This will be an image of type TexType.Image, and a format of TexFormat.Rgba32 or TexFormat.Rgba32Linear depending on the value of the sRGBData parameter.

Color32[]& colors An array of 32 bit colors, should be a length of width*height.
int width Width in pixels of the texture. Powers of two are generally best!
int height Height in pixels of the texture. Powers of two are generally best!
bool sRGBData Is this image color data in sRGB format, or is it normal/metal/rough/data that’s not for direct display? sRGB colors get converted to linear color space on the graphics card, so getting this right can have a big impact on visuals.
RETURNS: Tex A Tex asset with TexType.Image and TexFormat.Rgba32 from the given array of colors.
static Tex FromColors(Color[]& colors, int width, int height, bool sRGBData)

Creates a texture and sets the texture’s pixels using a color array! Color values are converted to 32 bit colors, so this means a memory allocation and conversion. Prefer the Color32 overload for performance, or create an empty Texture and use SetColors for more flexibility. This will be an image of type TexType.Image, and a format of TexFormat.Rgba32 or TexFormat.Rgba32Linear depending on the value of the sRGBData parameter.

Color[]& colors An array of 128 bit colors, should be a length of width*height.
int width Width in pixels of the texture. Powers of two are generally best!
int height Height in pixels of the texture. Powers of two are generally best!
bool sRGBData Is this image color data in sRGB format, or is it normal/metal/rough/data that’s not for direct display? sRGB colors get converted to linear color space on the graphics card, so getting this right can have a big impact on visuals.
RETURNS: Tex A Tex asset with TexType.Image and TexFormat.Rgba32 from the given array of colors.

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