
static Tex FromCubemap(string cubemapFile, bool sRGBData, int loadPriority)

Creates a cubemap texture from a single file! This will load KTX2 files with 6 surfaces, or convert equirectangular images into cubemap images. KTX2 files are the fastest way to load a cubemap, but equirectangular images can be acquired quite easily! Equirectangular images look like an unwrapped globe with the poles all stretched out, and are sometimes referred to as HDRIs.

string cubemapFile Filename of the cubemap image.
bool sRGBData Is this image color data in sRGB format, or is it normal/metal/rough/data that’s not for direct display? sRGB colors get converted to linear color space on the graphics card, so getting this right can have a big impact on visuals.
int loadPriority The priority sort order for this asset in the async loading system. Lower values mean loading sooner.
RETURNS: Tex A Cubemap texture asset!

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