
static Tex FromCubemapFile(String[] cubeFaceFiles_xxyyzz, bool sRGBData, int priority)

Creates a cubemap texture from 6 different image files! If you have a single equirectangular image, use Tex.FromEquirectangular instead. Asset Id will be the first filename.

String[] cubeFaceFiles_xxyyzz 6 image filenames, in order of +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z.
bool sRGBData Is this image color data in sRGB format, or is it normal/metal/rough/data that’s not for direct display? sRGB colors get converted to linear color space on the graphics card, so getting this right can have a big impact on visuals.
int priority The priority sort order for this asset in the async loading system. Lower values mean loading sooner.
RETURNS: Tex A Tex asset from the given files, or null if any failed to load.
static Tex FromCubemapFile(String[] cubeFaceFiles_xxyyzz, SphericalHarmonics& lightingInfo, bool sRGBData, int priority)

Creates a cubemap texture from 6 different image files! If you have a single equirectangular image, use Tex.FromEquirectangular instead. Asset Id will be the first filename.

String[] cubeFaceFiles_xxyyzz 6 image filenames, in order of +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z.
SphericalHarmonics& lightingInfo An out value that represents the lighting information scraped from the cubemap! This can then be passed to Renderer.SkyLight.
bool sRGBData Is this image color data in sRGB format, or is it normal/metal/rough/data that’s not for direct display? sRGB colors get converted to linear color space on the graphics card, so getting this right can have a big impact on visuals.
int priority The priority sort order for this asset in the async loading system. Lower values mean loading sooner.
RETURNS: Tex A Tex asset from the given files, or null if any failed to load.

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