
void GetColors(Color32[]& colorData, int mipLevel)

Retrieve the color data of the texture from the GPU. This can be a very slow operation, so use it cautiously. If the color array is the correct size, it will not be re-allocated.

Color32[]& colorData An array of colors that will be filled out with the texture’s data. It can be null, or an incorrect size. If so, it will be reallocated to the correct size.
int mipLevel Retrieves the color data for a specific mip-mapping level. This function will log a fail and return a black array if an invalid mip-level is provided.
Color32[] GetColors(int mipLevel)

Retrieve the color data of the texture from the GPU. This can be a very slow operation, so use it cautiously.

int mipLevel Retrieves the color data for a specific mip-mapping level. This function will log a fail and return a black array if an invalid mip-level is provided.
RETURNS: Color32[] The texture’s color values in an array sized Width*Height.

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