
static Tex RenderTarget(int width, int height, int multisample, TexFormat colorFormat, TexFormat depthFormat)

This will assemble a texture ready for rendering to! It creates a render target texture with no mip maps and a depth buffer attached.

int width Width in pixels.
int height Height in pixels
int multisample Multisample level, or MSAA. This should be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16. The results will have moother edges with higher values, but will cost more RAM and time to render. Note that GL platforms cannot trivially draw a multisample > 1 texture in a shader.
TexFormat colorFormat The format of the color surface.
TexFormat depthFormat The format of the depth buffer. If this is None, no depth buffer will be attached to this rendertarget.
RETURNS: Tex Returns a texture set up as a rendertarget.

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