float LineHeightPct{ get set }
This is the space a full line of text takes, from baseline to baseline, as a 0-1 percentage of the font’s TotalHeight. This is similar to CSS line-height, a value of 1.0 means this line’s descenders will squish up adjacent to the next line’s tallest ascenders.
TextStyle Info
If you’re doing advanced text layout, StereoKit does provide some information about the font underlying the TextStyle! Here’s a quick sketch that shows what all that info represents:
// Some representative characters:
// l frequently goes above CapHeight all the way to the Ascender.
// Ô will go past the Ascender outside the layout bounds, and slightly below the baseline.
// T goes the whole way from Baseline to CapHeight.
// y will go all the way down to the descender.
string text = "lÔTy";
// Draw the text
Text.Add(text, Matrix.Identity, style, TextAlign.TopLeft, TextAlign.TopLeft);
// Show the bounding regions for the size of the text
Color colLayoutArea = new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
Color colRenderArea = new Color(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f);
Vec2 size = Text.SizeLayout(text, style);
Vec2 sizeR = Text.SizeRender(size, style, out float yOff);
Mesh.Quad.Draw(Material.Unlit, Matrix.TS(size .XY0/-2 + V.XYZ(0, 0, 0.0001f), size .XY1), colLayoutArea);
Mesh.Quad.Draw(Material.Unlit, Matrix.TS(sizeR.XY0/-2 + V.XYZ(0, yOff, 0.0002f), sizeR.XY1), colRenderArea);
// Show lines representing the typography units for this style
Color32 colCapHeight = new Color32( 50, 255, 50, 255);
Color32 colBaseline = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
Color32 colAscender = new Color32(255, 50, 50, 255);
Color32 colDescender = new Color32( 50, 50, 255, 255);
Color32 colLineHeight = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
float baselineAt = -style.CapHeight;
float ascenderAt = baselineAt + style.Ascender;
float capHeightAt = baselineAt + style.CapHeight;
float descenderAt = baselineAt - style.Descender;
float lineHeightAt = ascenderAt - style.LineHeightPct * style.TotalHeight;
Lines.Add(V.XY0(0, ascenderAt ), V.XY0(-size.x, ascenderAt ), colAscender, 0.003f);
Lines.Add(V.XY0(0, baselineAt ), V.XY0(-size.x, baselineAt ), colBaseline, 0.003f);
Lines.Add(V.XY0(0, capHeightAt ), V.XY0(-size.x, capHeightAt ), colCapHeight, 0.003f);
Lines.Add(V.XY0(0, descenderAt ), V.XY0(-size.x, descenderAt ), colDescender, 0.003f);
Lines.Add(V.XY0(0, lineHeightAt), V.XY0(-size.x, lineHeightAt), colLineHeight, 0.003f);
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