
void HandMenuItem(string name, Sprite image, Action callback, string layerName)

A menu item that’ll load another layer when selected.

string name Display name of the item.
Sprite image Display image of the item, null is fine!
Action callback The callback that should be performed when this menu item is selected.
string layerName This is the layer name used to find the next layer for the menu! Get the spelling right, try using const strings!
void HandMenuItem(string name, Sprite image, Action callback, HandMenuAction action)

Makes a menu item!

string name Display name of the item.
Sprite image Display image of the item, null is fine!
Action callback The callback that should be performed when this menu item is selected.
HandMenuAction action Describes the menu related behavior of this menu item, should it close the menu? Open another layer? Go back to the previous menu?

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