bool Contains(Vec3 pt)
Does the Bounds contain the given point? This includes points that are on the surface of the Bounds.
Vec3 pt | A point in the same coordinate space as the Bounds. |
RETURNS: bool | True if the point is on, or in the Bounds. |
bool Contains(Vec3 linePt1, Vec3 linePt2)
Does the Bounds contain or intersects with the given line?
Vec3 linePt1 | Start of the line |
Vec3 linePt2 | End of the line |
RETURNS: bool | True if the line is in, or intersects with the bounds. |
bool Contains(Vec3 linePt1, Vec3 linePt2, float radius)
Does the bounds contain or intersect with the given capsule?
Vec3 linePt1 | Start of the capsule. |
Vec3 linePt2 | End of the capsule |
float radius | Radius of the capsule. |
RETURNS: bool | True if the capsule is in, or intersects with the bounds. |
Here’s a small example of checking to see if a finger joint is inside a box, and drawing an axis gizmo when it is!
// A volume for checking inside of! 10cm on each side, at the origin
Bounds testArea = new Bounds(Vec3.One * 0.1f);
// This is a decent way to show we're working with both hands
for (int h = 0; h < (int)Handed.Max; h++)
// Get the pose for the index fingertip
Hand hand = Input.Hand((Handed)h);
Pose fingertip = hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].Pose;
// Skip this hand if it's not tracked
if (!hand.IsTracked) continue;
// Draw the fingertip pose axis if it's inside the volume
if (testArea.Contains(fingertip.position))
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