static class Lines

A line drawing class! This is an easy way to visualize lines or relationships between objects. The current implementation uses a quad strip that always faces the user, via vertex shader manipulation.

Static Methods

Add Adds a line to the environment for the current frame.
AddAxis Displays an RGB/XYZ axis widget at the pose! Each line is extended along the positive direction of each axis, so the red line is +X, green is +Y, and blue is +Z. A white line is drawn along -Z to indicate the Forward vector of the pose (-Z is forward in StereoKit).


Identity Pose

The identity pose is a Pose at (0,0,0) facing Forward, which in StereoKit is a direction of (0,0,-1) represented by a Quaternion of (0,0,0,1). Note that a Quaternion of (0,0,0,0) is invalid, and can cause problems with math, so using default or an empty new Pose() with this struct can result in bad math results. Pose.Identity is a good default to get used to!

Identity pose at the origin

Note that Lines.AddAxis here shows the Pose orientation by drawing the pose local X+ (red) Y+ (blue) Z+ (green) axis lines in the positive direction, and Forward in white.

Pose pose = Pose.Identity;

// Show the origin for clarity
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(-1,0,0), V.XYZ(1,0,0), new Color32(100,0,0,100), 0.0005f);
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0,-1,0), V.XYZ(0,1,0), new Color32(0,100,0,100), 0.0005f);
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0,0,-1), V.XYZ(0,0,1), new Color32(0,0,100,100), 0.0005f);

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