
static bool IsRecording{ get }


Tells if the Microphone is currently recording audio.


Getting streaming sound intensity

This example shows how to read data from a Sound stream such as the microphone! In this case, we’re just finding the average ‘intensity’ of the audio, and returning it as a value approximately between 0 and 1. Microphone.Start() should be called before this example :)

float[] micBuffer    = new float[0];
float   micIntensity = 0;
float GetMicIntensity()
	if (!Microphone.IsRecording) return 0;

	// Ensure our buffer of samples is large enough to contain all the
	// data the mic has ready for us this frame
	if (Microphone.Sound.UnreadSamples > micBuffer.Length)
		micBuffer = new float[Microphone.Sound.UnreadSamples];

	// Read data from the microphone stream into our buffer, and track 
	// how much was actually read. Since the mic data collection runs in
	// a separate thread, this will often be a little inconsistent. Some
	// frames will have nothing ready, and others may have a lot!
	int samples = Microphone.Sound.ReadSamples(ref micBuffer);

	// This is a cumulative moving average over the last 1000 samples! We
	// Abs() the samples since audio waveforms are half negative.
	for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
		micIntensity = (micIntensity*999.0f + Math.Abs(micBuffer[i]))/1000.0f;

	return micIntensity;

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