
static Sound Sound{ get }


This is the sound stream of the Microphone when it is recording. This Asset is created the first time it is accessed via this property, or during Start, and will persist. It is re-used for the Microphone stream if you start/stop/switch devices.


Getting streaming sound intensity

This example shows how to read data from a Sound stream such as the microphone! In this case, we’re just finding the average ‘intensity’ of the audio, and returning it as a value approximately between 0 and 1. Microphone.Start() should be called before this example :)

float[] micBuffer    = new float[0];
float   micIntensity = 0;
float GetMicIntensity()
	if (!Microphone.IsRecording) return 0;

	// Ensure our buffer of samples is large enough to contain all the
	// data the mic has ready for us this frame
	if (Microphone.Sound.UnreadSamples > micBuffer.Length)
		micBuffer = new float[Microphone.Sound.UnreadSamples];

	// Read data from the microphone stream into our buffer, and track 
	// how much was actually read. Since the mic data collection runs in
	// a separate thread, this will often be a little inconsistent. Some
	// frames will have nothing ready, and others may have a lot!
	int samples = Microphone.Sound.ReadSamples(ref micBuffer);

	// This is a cumulative moving average over the last 1000 samples! We
	// Abs() the samples since audio waveforms are half negative.
	for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
		micIntensity = (micIntensity*999.0f + Math.Abs(micBuffer[i]))/1000.0f;

	return micIntensity;

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