ModelAnimCollection Anims{ get }
An enumerable collection of animations attached to this Model. You can do Linq stuff with it, foreach it, or just treat it like a List or array!
Loading an animated Model
Here, we’re loading a Model that we know has the animations “Idle” and “Jump”. This sample shows some options, but only a single call to PlayAnim is necessary to start an animation.
Model model = Model.FromFile("Cosmonaut.glb");
// You can look at the model's animations:
foreach (Anim anim in model.Anims)
Log.Info($"Animation: {anim.Name} {anim.Duration}s");
// You can play an animation like this
model.PlayAnim("Jump", AnimMode.Once);
// Or you can find and store the animations in advance
Anim jumpAnim = model.FindAnim("Idle");
if (jumpAnim != null)
model.PlayAnim(jumpAnim, AnimMode.Loop);
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