
ModelNodeCollection Nodes{ get }


This is an enumerable collection of all the nodes in this Model, ordered non-hierarchically by when they were added. You can do Linq stuff with it, foreach it, or just treat it like a List or array!


Simple iteration

Walking through the Model’s list of nodes is pretty straightforward! This will touch every ModelNode in the Model, in the order they were defined, regardless of hierarchy position or contents.

Log.Info("Iterate nodes:");
foreach (ModelNode node in model.Nodes)
	Log.Info($"  {node.Name}");

Tagged Nodes

You can search through Visuals and Nodes for nodes with some sort of tag in their names. Since these names are from your modeling software, this can allow for some level of designer configuration that can be specific to your project.

var nodes = model.Visuals
	.Where(n => n.Name.Contains("[Wire]"));
foreach (ModelNode node in nodes)
	node.Material = node.Material.Copy();
	node.Material.Wireframe = true;

Collision Tagged Nodes

One particularly practical example of tagging your ModelNode names would be to set up collision information for your Model. If, for example, you have a low resolution mesh designed specifically for fast collision detection, you can tag your non-solid nodes as “[Intangible]”, and your collider nodes as “[Invisible]”:

foreach (ModelNode node in model.Nodes)
	node.Solid   = node.Name.Contains("[Intangible]") == false;
	node.Visible = node.Name.Contains("[Invisible]")  == false;

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