
Vec3 Forward{ get }


Calculates the forward direction from this pose. This is done by multiplying the orientation with Vec3.Forward. Remember that Forward points down the -Z axis!


Pose Directions

Pose direction lines

Pose provides a few handy vector properties to help working with Pose relative directions! Forward, Right, and Up are all derived from the Pose’s orientation, and represent the -Z, +X and +Y directions of the Pose.

Pose p = new Pose(0,0,-0.5f);

Lines.Add(p.position, p.position + 0.1f*p.Right,   new Color32(255,0,0,255), 0.005f);
Lines.Add(p.position, p.position + 0.1f*p.Up,      new Color32(0,255,0,255), 0.005f);
Lines.Add(p.position, p.position + 0.1f*p.Forward, Color32.White,            0.005f);

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