struct Pose

Pose represents a location and orientation in space, excluding scale! CAUTION: the default value of a Pose includes a completely zero Quat, which can cause problems. Use Pose.Identity instead of new Pose() for creating a default pose.

Instance Fields and Properties

Vec3 Forward Calculates the forward direction from this pose. This is done by multiplying the orientation with Vec3.Forward. Remember that Forward points down the -Z axis!
Quat orientation Orientation of the pose, stored as a rotation from Vec3.Forward.
Vec3 position Location of the pose.
Ray Ray This creates a ray starting at the Pose’s position, and pointing in the ‘Forward’ direction. The Ray direction is a unit vector/normalized.
Vec3 Right Calculates the right (+X) direction from this pose. This is done by multiplying the orientation with Vec3.Right.
Vec3 Up Calculates the up (+Y) direction from this pose. This is done by multiplying the orientation with Vec3.Up.

Instance Methods

Pose Basic initialization constructor! Just copies in the provided values directly.
ToMatrix Converts this pose into a transform matrix, incorporating a provided scale value.
ToString A string representation of the Pose, in the format of “position, Forward”. Mostly for debug visualization.

Static Fields and Properties

Pose Identity A default, empty pose. Positioned at zero, and using Quat.Identity for orientation.

Static Methods

Lerp Interpolates between two poses! It is unclamped, so values outside of (0,1) will extrapolate their position.
LookAt Creates a Pose that looks from one location in the direction of another location. This leaves “Up” as the +Y axis.

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