
static Pose LookAt(Vec3 from, Vec3 at)

Creates a Pose that looks from one location in the direction of another location. This leaves “Up” as the +Y axis.

Vec3 from Starting location.
Vec3 at Lookat location.
RETURNS: Pose A pose at position from, oriented to look towards at.


Lerping Poses

Lerping between two poses

Here we construct two Poses, one using a position + direction constructor, and one using a from -> to LookAt function. Both are valid ways of constructing a Pose, check out the Quat functions for more tools for creating Pose orientations!

After that, we’re just blending between these two Poses with a Pose.Lerp, and showing the result at 10% intervals.

Pose a = new Pose(0, 0.5f, -0.5f, Quat.LookDir(1,0,0));
Pose b = Pose.LookAt(V.XYZ(0,0,0), V.XYZ(0,1,0));

for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
	Pose p = Pose.Lerp(a, b, i/10.0f);
	Lines.AddAxis(p, 0.05f);

// Show the origin for clarity
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(-1,0,0), V.XYZ(1,0,0), new Color32(100,0,0,100), 0.0025f);
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0,-1,0), V.XYZ(0,1,0), new Color32(0,100,0,100), 0.0025f);
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0,0,-1), V.XYZ(0,0,1), new Color32(0,0,100,100), 0.0025f);

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