
void Pose(Vec3 position, Quat orientation)

Basic initialization constructor! Just copies in the provided values directly.

Vec3 position Location of the pose.
Quat orientation Orientation of the pose, stored as a rotation from Vec3.Forward.
void Pose(Vec3 position)

Basic initialization constructor! Just copies in the provided values directly, and uses Identity for the orientation.

Vec3 position Location of the pose.
void Pose(float x, float y, float z, Quat orientation)

Basic initialization constructor! Just copies in the provided values directly.

float x X location of the pose.
float y Y location of the pose.
float z Z location of the pose.
Quat orientation Orientation of the pose, stored as a rotation from Vec3.Forward.
void Pose(float x, float y, float z)

Basic initialization constructor! Just copies in the provided values directly, and uses Identity for the orientation.

float x X location of the pose.
float y Y location of the pose.
float z Z location of the pose.


Lerping Poses

Lerping between two poses

Here we construct two Poses, one using a position + direction constructor, and one using a from -> to LookAt function. Both are valid ways of constructing a Pose, check out the Quat functions for more tools for creating Pose orientations!

After that, we’re just blending between these two Poses with a Pose.Lerp, and showing the result at 10% intervals.

Pose a = new Pose(0, 0.5f, -0.5f, Quat.LookDir(1,0,0));
Pose b = Pose.LookAt(V.XYZ(0,0,0), V.XYZ(0,1,0));

for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
	Pose p = Pose.Lerp(a, b, i/10.0f);
	Lines.AddAxis(p, 0.05f);

// Show the origin for clarity
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(-1,0,0), V.XYZ(1,0,0), new Color32(100,0,0,100), 0.0025f);
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0,-1,0), V.XYZ(0,1,0), new Color32(0,100,0,100), 0.0025f);
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0,0,-1), V.XYZ(0,0,1), new Color32(0,0,100,100), 0.0025f);

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