
Matrix ToMatrix(Vec3 scale)

Converts this pose into a transform matrix, incorporating a provided scale value.

Vec3 scale A scale vector! Vec3.One would be an identity scale.
RETURNS: Matrix A Matrix that transforms to the given pose.
Matrix ToMatrix(float scale)

Converts this pose into a transform matrix, incorporating a provided scale value.

float scale A uniform scale factor! 1 would be an identity scale.
RETURNS: Matrix A Matrix that transforms to the given pose.
Matrix ToMatrix()

Converts this pose into a transform matrix.

RETURNS: Matrix A Matrix that transforms to the given pose.


Draw Pose

Having a raw and malleable position/orientation available is great, but with Pose.ToMatrix, you can also quickly turn a Pose into a Matrix for use with drawing functions or other places where Matrix transforms are needed! ToMatrix also has overloads to include a scale, if one is available.

Drawing items at a Pose

Pose  pose  = new Pose(0,0,-0.5f, Quat.FromAngles(30,45,0));
float scale = 0.5f;

Mesh.Cube.Draw(Material.Default, pose.ToMatrix(scale));

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