static class Time

This class contains time information for the current session and frame!

Static Fields and Properties

UInt64 Frame The number of frames/steps since the app started.
double Scale Time is scaled by this value! Want time to pass slower? Set it to 0.5! Faster? Try 2!
double Step How many seconds have elapsed since the last frame? 64 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame.
float Stepf How many seconds have elapsed since the last frame? 32 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame.
double StepUnscaled How many seconds have elapsed since the last frame? 64 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame. This version is unaffected by the Time.Scale value!
float StepUnscaledf How many seconds have elapsed since the last frame? 32 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame. This version is unaffected by the Time.Scale value!
double Total How many seconds have elapsed since StereoKit was initialized? 64 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame.
float Totalf How many seconds have elapsed since StereoKit was initialized? 32 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame.
double TotalUnscaled How many seconds have elapsed since StereoKit was initialized? 64 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame. This version is unaffected by the Time.Scale value!
float TotalUnscaledf How many seconds have elapsed since StereoKit was initialized? 32 bit time precision, calculated at the start of the frame. This version is unaffected by the Time.Scale value!

Static Methods

SetTime This allows you to override the application time! The application will progress from this time using the current timescale.

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