static Mesh GenQuadrantMesh(UICorner roundedCorners, float cornerRadius, uint cornerResolution, bool deleteFlatSides, UILathePt[] lathePts)
This generates a quadrantified mesh meant for UI buttons by sweeping a lathe over the rounded corners of a rectangle! Note that this mesh is quadrantified, so it requires special shaders to draw properly!
UICorner roundedCorners | A bit-flag indicating which corners should be rounded, and which should be sharp! |
float cornerRadius | The radius of each rounded corner. |
uint cornerResolution | How many slices/verts go into each corner? More is smoother, but more expensive to render. |
bool deleteFlatSides | If two adjacent corners are sharp, should we skip connecting them with triangles? If this edge will always be covered, then deleting these faces may save you some performance. |
UILathePt[] lathePts | The lathe points to sweep around the edge. |
RETURNS: Mesh | The final Mesh, ready for use in SK’s theming system. |
static Mesh GenQuadrantMesh(UICorner roundedCorners, float cornerRadius, uint cornerResolution, bool deleteFlatSides, bool quadrantify, UILathePt[] lathePts)
This generates a quadrantified mesh meant for UI buttons by sweeping a lathe over the rounded corners of a rectangle! Note that this mesh is quadrantified, so it requires special shaders to draw properly!
UICorner roundedCorners | A bit-flag indicating which corners should be rounded, and which should be sharp! |
float cornerRadius | The radius of each rounded corner. |
uint cornerResolution | How many slices/verts go into each corner? More is smoother, but more expensive to render. |
bool deleteFlatSides | If two adjacent corners are sharp, should we skip connecting them with triangles? If this edge will always be covered, then deleting these faces may save you some performance. |
UILathePt[] lathePts | The lathe points to sweep around the edge. |
bool quadrantify | Does this generate a mesh compatible with StereoKit’s quadrant shader system, or is this just a traditional mesh? In most cases, this should be true, but UI elements such as the rounded button may be exceptions. |
RETURNS: Mesh | The final Mesh, ready for use in SK’s theming system. |
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