
static void PushEnabled(bool enabled, bool ignoreParent)

All UI between PushEnabled and its matching PopEnabled will set the UI to an enabled or disabled state, allowing or preventing interaction with specific elements. The default state is true.

bool enabled Should the following elements be enabled and interactable?
bool ignoreParent Do we want to ignore or inherit the state of the current stack?
static void PushEnabled(bool enabled, HierarchyParent parentBehavior)

All UI between PushEnabled and its matching PopEnabled will set the UI to an enabled or disabled state, allowing or preventing interaction with specific elements. The default state is true.

bool enabled Should the following elements be enabled and interactable?
HierarchyParent parentBehavior Do we want to ignore or inherit the state of the current stack?


Enabling and Disabling UI Elements

A window with labels in various states of enablement

UI.Push/PopEnabled allows you to enable and disable groups of UI elements! This is a hierarchical stack, so by default, all PushEnabled calls inherit the stack’s state.

Pose windowPoseEnabled = new Pose(1.8f, 0, 0, Quat.Identity);
void ShowWindowEnabled()
	UI.WindowBegin("Window Enabled", ref windowPoseEnabled);

	// Default state of the enabled stack is true
	UI.Label(UI.Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");

		// This label will be disabled

			// This label inherits the state of the parent, so is therefore
			// disabled

		UI.PushEnabled(true, HierarchyParent.Ignore);
			// This label was enabled, overriding the parent, and so is
			// enabled.
			UI.Label(UI.Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");


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