
static bool OcclusionEnabled{ get set }


Off by default. This tells StereoKit to load up and display an occlusion surface that allows the real world to occlude the application’s digital content! Most systems may allow you to customize the visual appearance of this occlusion surface via the World.OcclusionMaterial. Check SK.System.worldOcclusionPresent to see if occlusion can be enabled. This will reset itself to false if occlusion isn’t possible. Loading occlusion data is asynchronous, so occlusion may not occur immediately after setting this flag.


Basic World Occlusion

A simple example of turning on the occlusion mesh and overriding the default material so it’s visible. For normal usage where you just want to let the real world occlude geometry, the only important element is to just set World.OcclusionEnabled = true;.

Material occlusionMatPrev;

public void Start()
	if (!SK.System.worldOcclusionPresent)
		Log.Info("Occlusion not available!");

	// If not available, this will have no effect
	World.OcclusionEnabled = true;

	// Override the default occluding material
	occlusionMatPrev = World.OcclusionMaterial;
	World.OcclusionMaterial = Material.Default;

public void Stop()
	// Restore the previous occlusion material
	World.OcclusionMaterial = occlusionMatPrev;

	// Stop occlusion
	World.OcclusionEnabled = false;

Configuring Quality Occlusion

If you expect the user’s environment to change a lot, or you anticipate the user’s environment may not be well scanned already, then you may wish to boost the frequency of world data updates. By default, StereoKit is quite conservative about scanning to reduce computation, but this can be configured using the World.RefreshX properties as seen here.

// If occlusion is not available, the rest of the code will have no
// effect.
if (!SK.System.worldOcclusionPresent)
	Log.Info("Occlusion not available!");

// Configure SK to update the world data as fast as possible, this
// allows occlusion to accomodate better for moving objects.
World.OcclusionEnabled = true;
World.RefreshType     = WorldRefresh.Timer; // Refresh on a timer
World.RefreshInterval = 0; // Refresh every 0 seconds
World.RefreshRadius   = 6; // Get everything in a 6m radius

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