class Font

This class represents a text font asset! On the back-end, this asset is composed of a texture with font characters rendered to it, and a list of data about where, and how large those characters are on the texture.

This asset is used anywhere that text shows up, like in the UI or Text classes!

Instance Fields and Properties

string Id Gets or sets the unique identifier of this asset resource! This can be helpful for debugging, managing your assets, or finding them later on!

Static Fields and Properties

Font Default The default font used by StereoKit’s text. This varies from platform to platform, but is typically a sans-serif general purpose font, such as Segoe UI.

Static Methods

Find Searches the asset list for a font with the given Id, returning null if none is found.
FromFamily Loads font from a specified list of font family names
FromFile Loads a font and creates a font asset from it.

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