static class SK
This class contains functions for running the StereoKit library!
Static Fields and Properties
DisplayMode ActiveDisplayMode | Since we can fallback to a different DisplayMode, this lets you check to see which Runtime was successfully initialized. |
Object AndroidActivity | On Android systems, this must be assigned right away, before any access to SK methods. When using Xamarin.Essentials or Microsoft.Maui.Essentials, this will be done automatically. This will be set to null after SK.Initialize is called. |
AppFocus AppFocus | This tells about the app’s current focus state, whether it’s active and receiving input, or if it’s backgrounded or hidden. This can be important since apps may still run and render when unfocused, as the app may still be visible behind the app that does have focus. |
bool IsInitialized | Has StereoKit been successfully initialized already? If initialization was attempted and failed, this value will be false. |
QuitReason QuitReason | This tells the reason why StereoKit has quit and developer can take appropriate action to debug. |
SKSettings Settings | This is a copy of the settings that StereoKit was initialized with, so you can refer back to them a little easier. Some of these values will be different than provided, as StereoKit will resolve some default values based on the platform capabilities or internal preference. These are read only, and keep in mind that some settings are only requests! Check SK.System and other properties for the current state of StereoKit. |
IEnumerable`1 Steppers | An enumerable list of all currently active ISteppers registered with StereoKit. This does not include Steppers that have been added, but are not yet initialized. Stepper initialization happens at the beginning of the frame, before the app’s Step. |
SystemInfo System | This structure contains information about the current system and its capabilities. There’s a lot of different MR devices, so it’s nice to have code for systems with particular characteristics! |
UInt64 VersionId | An integer version Id! This is defined using a hex value with this format: 0xMMMMiiiiPPPPrrrr in order of Major.mInor.Patch.pre-Release |
string VersionName | Human-readable version name embedded in the StereoKitC DLL. |
Static Methods
AddStepper | This instantiates and registers an instance of the IStepper type provided as the generic parameter. SK will hold onto it, Initialize it, Step it every frame, and call Shutdown when the application ends. This is generally safe to do before SK.Initialize is called, the constructor is called right away, and Initialize is called right after SK.Initialize, or at the start of the next frame before the next main Step callback if SK is already initialized. |
AddStepper | This registers an instance of the IStepper type provided. SK will hold onto it, Initialize it, Step it every frame, and call Shutdown when the application ends. This is generally safe to do before SK.Initialize is called, the constructor is called right away, and Initialize is called right after SK.Initialize, or at the start of the next frame before the next main Step callback if SK is already initialized. |
ExecuteOnMain | This will queue up some code to be run on StereoKit’s main thread! Immediately after StereoKit’s Step, all callbacks registered here will execute, and then removed from the list. |
GetOrCreateStepper | This will search the list of IStepper s that are currently attached to StereoKit. This includes IStepper s that have been added but are not yet initialized. This will return the first IStepper in the list that is assignable to the provided type, and if one is not found, it will attempt to create one. |
GetOrCreateStepper | This will search the list of IStepper s that are currently attached to StereoKit. This includes IStepper s that have been added but are not yet initialized. This will return the first IStepper in the list that is assignable to the provided generic type, and if one is not found, it will attempt to create one. |
GetStepper | This will search the list of IStepper s that are currently attached to StereoKit. This includes IStepper s that have been added but are not yet initialized. This will return the first IStepper in the list that is assignable to the provided type. |
GetStepper | This will search the list of IStepper s that are currently attached to StereoKit. This includes IStepper s that have been added but are not yet initialized. This will return the first IStepper in the list that is assignable to the provided generic type. |
Initialize | Initializes StereoKit window, default resources, systems, etc. |
PreLoadLibrary | If you need to call StereoKit code before calling SK.Initialize, you may need to explicitly load the library first. This can be useful for setting up a few things, but should probably be a pretty rare case. |
Quit | Lets StereoKit know it should quit! It’ll finish the current frame, and after that Step will return that it wants to exit. |
RemoveStepper | This removes a specific IStepper from SK’s IStepper list. This will call the IStepper’s Shutdown method before returning. |
RemoveStepper | This removes all IStepper instances that are assignable to the generic type specified. This will call the IStepper’s Shutdown method on each removed instance before returning. |
Run | This passes application execution over to StereoKit. This continuously steps all StereoKit systems, and inserts user code via callback between the appropriate system updates. Once execution completes, or SK.Quit is called, it properly calls the shutdown callback and shuts down StereoKit for you. Using this method is important for compatibility with WASM and is the preferred method of controlling the main loop, over SK.Step . |
SetWindow | Android only. This is for telling StereoKit about the active Android window surface. In particular, Xamarin’s ISurfaceHolderCallback2 gets SurfaceCreated and SurfaceDestroyed events, and these events should feed into this function. |
Shutdown | Cleans up all StereoKit initialized systems. Release your own StereoKit created assets before calling this. This is for cleanup only, and should not be used to exit the application, use SK.Quit for that instead. Calling this function is unnecessary if using SK.Run, as it is called automatically there. |
Step | Steps all StereoKit systems, and inserts user code via callback between the appropriate system updates. |
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