
static bool ButtonImgAt(string text, Sprite image, UIBtnLayout imageLayout, Vec3 topLeftCorner, Vec2 size)

A variant of UI.ButtonImg that doesn’t use the layout system, and instead goes exactly where you put it.

string text Text to display on the button and id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Sprite image This is the image that will be drawn along with the text. See imageLayout for where the image gets drawn!
UIBtnLayout imageLayout This enum specifies how the text and image should be laid out on the button. For example, UIBtnLayout.Left will have the image on the left, and text on the right.
Vec3 topLeftCorner This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec2 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
RETURNS: bool Will return true only on the first frame it is pressed!
static bool ButtonImgAt(string text, Sprite image, Color imageTint, UIBtnLayout imageLayout, Vec3 topLeftCorner, Vec2 size)

A variant of UI.ButtonImg that doesn’t use the layout system, and instead goes exactly where you put it.

string text Text to display on the button and id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Sprite image This is the image that will be drawn along with the text. See imageLayout for where the image gets drawn!
UIBtnLayout imageLayout This enum specifies how the text and image should be laid out on the button. For example, UIBtnLayout.Left will have the image on the left, and text on the right.
Vec3 topLeftCorner This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec2 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
Color imageTint The Sprite’s color will be multiplied by this tint. The default is White(1,1,1,1).
RETURNS: bool Will return true only on the first frame it is pressed!

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