
static bool InputAt(string id, String& value, Vec3 topLeftCorner, Vec2 size, TextContext type)

This is an input field where users can input text to the app! Selecting it will spawn a virtual keyboard, or act as the keyboard focus. Hitting escape or enter, or focusing another UI element will remove focus from this Input.

string id An id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
String& value The string that will store the Input’s content in.
Vec3 topLeftCorner This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec2 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
TextContext type What category of text this Input represents. This may affect what kind of soft keyboard will be displayed, if one is shown to the user.
RETURNS: bool Returns true every time the contents of ‘value’ change.

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