
static bool VSliderAt(string id, Single& value, float min, float max, float step, Vec3 topLeftCorner, Vec2 size, UIConfirm confirmMethod, UINotify notifyOn)

A variant of UI.VSlider that doesn’t use the layout system, and instead goes exactly where you put it.

string id An id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Single& value The value that the slider will store slider state in.
float min The minimum value the slider can set, top side of the slider.
float max The maximum value the slider can set, bottom side of the slider.
float step Locks the value to increments of step. Starts at min, and increments by step. 0 is valid, and means “don’t lock to increments”.
Vec3 topLeftCorner This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec2 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
UIConfirm confirmMethod How should the slider be activated? Push will be a push-button the user must press first, and pinch will be a tab that the user must pinch and drag around.
UINotify notifyOn Allows you to modify the behavior of the return value.
RETURNS: bool Returns true any time the value changes.
static bool VSliderAt(string id, Double& value, double min, double max, double step, Vec3 topLeftCorner, Vec2 size, UIConfirm confirmMethod, UINotify notifyOn)

A variant of UI.VSlider that doesn’t use the layout system, and instead goes exactly where you put it.

string id An id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Double& value The value that the slider will store slider state in.
double min The minimum value the slider can set, top side of the slider.
double max The maximum value the slider can set, bottom side of the slider.
double step Locks the value to intervals of step. Starts at min, and increments by step.
Vec3 topLeftCorner This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec2 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
UIConfirm confirmMethod How should the slider be activated? Push will be a push-button the user must press first, and pinch will be a tab that the user must pinch and drag around.
UINotify notifyOn Allows you to modify the behavior of the return value.
RETURNS: bool Returns true any time the value changes.

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