
static bool Raycast(Ray ray, Ray& intersection)

World.RaycastEnabled must be set to true first! SK.System.worldRaycastPresent must also be true. This does a ray intersection with whatever represents the environment at the moment! In this case, it’s a watertight collection of low resolution meshes calculated by the Scene Understanding extension, which is only provided by the Microsoft HoloLens runtime.

Ray ray A world space ray that you’d like to try intersecting with the world mesh.
Ray& intersection The location of the intersection, and direction of the world’s surface at that point. This is only valid if the method returns true.
RETURNS: bool True if an intersection is detected, false if raycasting is disabled, or there was no intersection.


Basic World Raycasting

World.RaycastEnabled must be true before calling World.Raycast, or you won’t ever intersect with any world geometry.

public void Start()
	if (!SK.System.worldRaycastPresent)
		Log.Info("World raycasting not available!");

	// This must be enabled before calling World.Raycast
	World.RaycastEnabled = true;

public void Stop() => World.RaycastEnabled = false;

public void StepRaycast()
	// Raycast out the index finger of each hand, and draw a red sphere
	// at the intersection point.
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		Hand hand = Input.Hand(i);
		if (!hand.IsTracked) continue;

		Ray fingerRay = hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].Pose.Ray;
		if (World.Raycast(fingerRay, out Ray at))
			Mesh.Sphere.Draw(Material.Default, Matrix.TS(at.position, 0.03f), new Color(1, 0, 0));

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