static bool Raycast(Ray ray, Ray& intersection)
World.RaycastEnabled must be set to true first! SK.System.worldRaycastPresent must also be true. This does a ray intersection with whatever represents the environment at the moment! In this case, it’s a watertight collection of low resolution meshes calculated by the Scene Understanding extension, which is only provided by the Microsoft HoloLens runtime.
Ray ray | A world space ray that you’d like to try intersecting with the world mesh. |
Ray& intersection | The location of the intersection, and direction of the world’s surface at that point. This is only valid if the method returns true. |
RETURNS: bool | True if an intersection is detected, false if raycasting is disabled, or there was no intersection. |
Basic World Raycasting
World.RaycastEnabled must be true before calling World.Raycast, or you won’t ever intersect with any world geometry.
public void Start()
if (!SK.System.worldRaycastPresent)
Log.Info("World raycasting not available!");
// This must be enabled before calling World.Raycast
World.RaycastEnabled = true;
public void Stop() => World.RaycastEnabled = false;
public void StepRaycast()
// Raycast out the index finger of each hand, and draw a red sphere
// at the intersection point.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Hand hand = Input.Hand(i);
if (!hand.IsTracked) continue;
Ray fingerRay = hand[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].Pose.Ray;
if (World.Raycast(fingerRay, out Ray at))
Mesh.Sphere.Draw(Material.Default, Matrix.TS(at.position, 0.03f), new Color(1, 0, 0));
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