static BtnState LastElementHandFocused(Handed hand)
Tells if the hand was involved in the focus state of the most recently called UI element using an id. Focus occurs when the hand is in or near an element, in such a way that indicates the user may be about to interact with it.
Handed hand | Which hand we’re checking. |
RETURNS: BtnState | A BtnState that indicated the hand was “just focused” this frame, is currently “focused” or if it “just became focused” this frame. |
Checking UI element status
It can sometimes be nice to know how the user is interacting with a particular UI element! The UI.LastElementX functions can be used to query a bit of this information, but only for the most recent UI element that uses an id!
So in this example, we’re querying the information for the “Slider” UI element. Note that UI.Text does NOT use an id, which is why this works.
UI.WindowBegin("Last Element API", ref windowPose);
UI.HSlider("Slider", ref sliderVal, 0, 1, 0.1f, 0, UIConfirm.Pinch);
UI.Text("Element Info:", TextAlign.TopCenter);
if (UI.LastElementHandActive (Handed.Left ).IsActive()) UI.Label("Left Active");
if (UI.LastElementHandActive (Handed.Right).IsActive()) UI.Label("Right Active");
if (UI.LastElementHandFocused(Handed.Left ).IsActive()) UI.Label("Left Focused");
if (UI.LastElementHandFocused(Handed.Right).IsActive()) UI.Label("Right Focused");
if (UI.LastElementFocused .IsActive()) UI.Label("Focused");
if (UI.LastElementActive .IsActive()) UI.Label("Active");
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