
static BtnState VolumeAt(string id, Bounds bounds, UIConfirm interactType, Handed& hand, BtnState& focusState)

A volume for helping to build one handed interactions. This checks for the presence of a hand inside the bounds, and if found, return that hand along with activation and focus information defined by the interactType.

string id An id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Bounds bounds Size and position of the volume, relative to the current Hierarchy.
UIConfirm interactType UIConfirm.Pinch will activate when the hand performs a ‘pinch’ gesture. UIConfirm.Push will activate when the hand enters the volume, and behave the same as element’s focusState.
Handed& hand This will be the last unpreoccupied hand found inside the volume, and is the hand controlling the interaction.
BtnState& focusState The focus state tells if the element has a hand inside of the volume that qualifies for focus.
RETURNS: BtnState Based on the interactType, this is a BtnState that tells the activation state of the interaction.
static BtnState VolumeAt(string id, Bounds bounds, UIConfirm interactType, Handed& hand)

A volume for helping to build one handed interactions. This checks for the presence of a hand inside the bounds, and if found, return that hand along with activation and focus information defined by the interactType.

string id An id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Bounds bounds Size and position of the volume, relative to the current Hierarchy.
UIConfirm interactType UIConfirm.Pinch will activate when the hand performs a ‘pinch’ gesture. UIConfirm.Push will activate when the hand enters the volume, and behave the same as element’s focusState.
Handed& hand This will be the last unpreoccupied hand found inside the volume, and is the hand controlling the interaction.
RETURNS: BtnState Based on the interactType, this is a BtnState that tells the activation state of the interaction.
static BtnState VolumeAt(string id, Bounds bounds, UIConfirm interactType)

A volume for helping to build one handed interactions. This checks for the presence of a hand inside the bounds, and if found, return that hand along with activation and focus information defined by the interactType.

string id An id for tracking element state. MUST be unique within current hierarchy.
Bounds bounds Size and position of the volume, relative to the current Hierarchy.
UIConfirm interactType UIConfirm.Pinch will activate when the hand performs a ‘pinch’ gesture. UIConfirm.Push will activate when the hand enters the volume, and behave the same as element’s focusState.
RETURNS: BtnState Based on the interactType, this is a BtnState that tells the activation state of the interaction.


This code will draw an axis at the index finger’s location when the user pinches while inside a VolumeAt.


// Draw a transparent volume so the user can see this space
Vec3  volumeAt   = new Vec3(0, 0.2f, -0.4f);
float volumeSize = 0.2f;
Default.MeshCube.Draw(Default.MaterialUIBox, Matrix.TS(volumeAt, volumeSize));

BtnState volumeState = UI.VolumeAt("Volume", new Bounds(volumeAt, Vec3.One * volumeSize), UIConfirm.Pinch, out Handed hand);
if (volumeState != BtnState.Inactive)
	// If it just changed interaction state, make it jump in size
	float scale = volumeState.IsChanged()
		? 0.1f
		: 0.05f;
	Lines.AddAxis(Input.Hand(hand)[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].Pose, scale);

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