static class Default

This is a collection of StereoKit default assets that are created or loaded by StereoKit during its initialization phase! Feel free to use them or Copy them, but be wary about modifying them, since it could affect many things throughout the system.

Static Fields and Properties

Tex Cubemap The default cubemap that StereoKit generates, this is the cubemap that’s visible as the background and initial scene lighting.
Font Font The default font used by StereoKit’s text. This varies from platform to platform, but is typically a sans-serif general purpose font, such as Segoe UI.
Material Material The default material! This is used by many models and meshes rendered from within StereoKit. Its shader is tuned for high performance, and may change based on system performance characteristics, so it can be great to copy this one when creating your own materials! Or if you want to override StereoKit’s default material, here’s where you do it!
Material MaterialEquirect This material is used for projecting equirectangular textures into cubemap faces. It’s probably not a great idea to change this one much!
Material MaterialFont This material is used as the default for rendering text! By default, it uses the ‘default/shader_font’ shader, which is a two-sided alpha-clip shader. This also turns off backface culling.
Material MaterialHand This is the default material for rendering the hand! It’s a copy of the default material, but set to transparent, and using a generated texture.
Material MaterialPBR The default Physically Based Rendering material! This is used by StereoKit anytime a mesh or model has metallic or roughness properties, or needs to look more realistic. Its shader may change based on system performance characteristics, so it can be great to copy this one when creating your own materials! Or if you want to override StereoKit’s default PBR behavior, here’s where you do it! Note that the shader used by default here is much more costly than Default.Material.
Material MaterialPBRClip Same as MaterialPBR, but it uses a discard clip for transparency.
Material MaterialUI The material used by the UI! By default, it uses a shader that creates a ‘finger shadow’ that shows how close the finger is to the UI.
Material MaterialUIBox A material for indicating interaction volumes! It renders a border around the edges of the UV coordinates that will ‘grow’ on proximity to the user’s finger. It will discard pixels outside of that border, but will also show the finger shadow. This is meant to be an opaque material, so it works well for depth LSR. This material works best on cube-like meshes where each face has UV coordinates from 0-1. Shader Parameters: color - color border_size - meters border_size_grow - meters border_affect_radius - meters
Material MaterialUIQuadrant The material used by the UI for Quadrant Sized UI elements. See UI.QuadrantSizeMesh for additional details. By default, it uses a shader that creates a ‘finger shadow’ that shows how close the finger is to the UI.
Material MaterialUnlit The default unlit material! This is used by StereoKit any time a mesh or model needs to be rendered with an unlit surface. Its shader may change based on system performance characteristics, so it can be great to copy this one when creating your own materials! Or if you want to override StereoKit’s default unlit behavior, here’s where you do it!
Material MaterialUnlitClip The default unlit material with alpha clipping! This is used by StereoKit for unlit content with transparency, where completely transparent pixels are discarded. This means less alpha blending, and fewer visible alpha blending issues! In particular, this is how Sprites are drawn. Its shader may change based on system performance characteristics, so it can be great to copy this one when creating your own materials! Or if you want to override StereoKit’s default unlit clipped behavior, here’s where you do it!
Mesh MeshCube A cube with dimensions of (1,1,1), this is equivalent to Mesh.GenerateCube(Vec3.One).
Mesh MeshQuad A default quad mesh, 2 triangles, 4 verts, from (-0.5,-0.5,0) to (0.5,0.5,0) and facing forward on the Z axis (0,0,-1). White vertex colors, and UVs from (1,1) at vertex (-0.5,-0.5,0) to (0,0) at vertex (0.5,0.5,0).
Mesh MeshScreenQuad A default quad mesh designed for full-screen rendering. 2 triangles, 4 verts, from (-1,-1,0) to (1,1,0) and facing backwards on the Z axis (0,0,1). White vertex colors, and UVs from (0,0) at vertex (-1,-1,0) to (1,1) at vertex (1,1,0).
Mesh MeshSphere A sphere mesh with a diameter of 1. This is equivalent to Mesh.GenerateSphere(1,4).
RenderList RenderList The default RenderList used by the Renderer for the primary display surface.
Shader Shader This is a fast, general purpose shader. It uses a texture for ‘diffuse’, a ‘color’ property for tinting the material, and a ‘tex_scale’ for scaling the UV coordinates. For lighting, it just uses a lookup from the current cubemap.
Shader ShaderEquirect A shader for projecting equirectangular textures onto cube faces! This is for equirectangular texture loading.
Shader ShaderFont A shader for text! Right now, this will render a font atlas texture, and perform alpha-testing for transparency, and super-sampling for better readability. It also flips normals of the back-face of the surface, so backfaces get lit properly when backface culling is turned off, as it is by default for text.
Shader ShaderPbr A physically based shader.
Shader ShaderPbrClip Same as ShaderPBR, but with a discard clip for transparency.
Shader ShaderUI A shader for UI or interactable elements, this’ll be the same as the Shader, but with an additional finger ‘shadow’ and distance circle effect that helps indicate finger distance from the surface of the object.
Shader ShaderUIBox A shader for indicating interaction volumes! It renders a border around the edges of the UV coordinates that will ‘grow’ on proximity to the user’s finger. It will discard pixels outside of that border, but will also show the finger shadow. This is meant to be an opaque shader, so it works well for depth LSR. This shader works best on cube-like meshes where each face has UV coordinates from 0-1. Shader Parameters: color - color border_size - meters border_size_grow - meters border_affect_radius - meters
Shader ShaderUnlit Sometimes lighting just gets in the way! This is an extremely simple and fast shader that uses a ‘diffuse’ texture and a ‘color’ tint property to draw a model without any lighting at all!
Shader ShaderUnlitClip Sometimes lighting just gets in the way! This is an extremely simple and fast shader that uses a ‘diffuse’ texture and a ‘color’ tint property to draw a model without any lighting at all! This shader will also discard pixels with an alpha of zero.
Sound SoundClick A default click sound that lasts for 300ms. It’s a procedurally generated sound based on a mouse press, with extra low frequencies in it.
Sound SoundUnclick A default click sound that lasts for 300ms. It’s a procedurally generated sound based on a mouse release, with extra low frequencies in it.
Sprite SpriteArrowDown This is a 64x64 image of a slightly rounded triangle pointing down.
Sprite SpriteArrowLeft This is a 64x64 image of a slightly rounded triangle pointing left.
Sprite SpriteArrowRight This is a 64x64 image of a slightly rounded triangle pointing right.
Sprite SpriteArrowUp This is a 64x64 image of a slightly rounded triangle pointing up.
Sprite SpriteBackspace This is a 64x64 image of a backspace action button, similar to a backspace button you might find on a mobile keyboard.
Sprite SpriteClose This is a 64x64 image of a square aspect X, with rounded edge. It’s used to indicate a ‘close’ icon.
Sprite SpriteGrid A 3x3 grid of squares, indicating a grid of items.
Sprite SpriteList 3 horizontal bars, indicating either a ‘hamburger’ menu, or a list of items.
Sprite SpriteRadioOff This is a 64x64 image of an empty hole. This is common iconography for radio buttons which use an empty hole to indicate an un-selected radio, and a filled hole for a selected radio. This is used by the UI for radio buttons!
Sprite SpriteRadioOn This is a 64x64 image of a filled hole. This is common iconography for radio buttons which use an empty hole to indicate an un-selected radio, and a filled hole for a selected radio. This is used by the UI for radio buttons!
Sprite SpriteShift This is a 64x64 image of an upward facing rounded arrow. This is a triangular top with a narrow rectangular base, and is used to indicate a ‘shift’ icon on a keyboard.
Sprite SpriteToggleOff This is a 64x64 image of an empty rounded square. This is common iconography for checkboxes which use an empty square to indicate an un-selected checkbox, and a filled square for a selected checkbox. This is used by the UI for toggle buttons!
Sprite SpriteToggleOn This is a 64x64 image of a filled rounded square. This is common iconography for checkboxes which use an empty square to indicate an un-selected checkbox, and a filled square for a selected checkbox. This is used by the UI for toggle buttons!
Tex Tex Default 2x2 white opaque texture, this is the texture referred to as ‘white’ in the shader texture defaults.
Tex TexBlack Default 2x2 black opaque texture, this is the texture referred to as ‘black’ in the shader texture defaults.
Tex TexDevTex This is a white checkered grid texture used to easily add visual features to materials. By default, this is used for the loading fallback texture for all Tex objects.
Tex TexError This is a red checkered grid texture used to indicate some sort of error has occurred. By default, this is used for the error fallback texture for all Tex objects.
Tex TexFlat Default 2x2 flat normal texture, this is a normal that faces out from the, face, and has a color value of (0.5,0.5,1). This is the texture referred to as ‘flat’ in the shader texture defaults.
Tex TexGray Default 2x2 middle gray (0.5,0.5,0.5) opaque texture, this is the texture referred to as ‘gray’ in the shader texture defaults.
Tex TexRough Default 2x2 roughness color (1,1,0,1) texture, this is the texture referred to as ‘rough’ in the shader texture defaults.

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