
static void DrawElement(UIVisual elementVisual, Vec3 start, Vec3 size, float focus)

This will draw a visual element from StereoKit’s theming system, while paying attention to certain factors such as enabled/ disabled, tinting and more.

UIVisual elementVisual The element type to draw. This can be a value past UIVisual.Max to use extra UIVisual slots for your own custom UI elements. If these slots are empty, SK will fall back to UIVisual.Default.
Vec3 start This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec3 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
float focus The amount of visual focus this element currently has, where 0 is unfocused, and 1 is active. You can acquire a good focus value from UI.GetAnimFocus.
static void DrawElement(UIVisual elementVisual, UIVisual elementColor, Vec3 start, Vec3 size, float focus)

This will draw a visual element from StereoKit’s theming system, while paying attention to certain factors such as enabled/ disabled, tinting and more.

UIVisual elementVisual The element type to draw. This can be a value past UIVisual.Max to use extra UIVisual slots for your own custom UI elements. If these slots are empty, SK will fall back to UIVisual.Default.
Vec3 start This is the top left corner of the UI element relative to the current Hierarchy.
Vec3 size The layout size for this element in Hierarchy space.
float focus The amount of visual focus this element currently has, where 0 is unfocused, and 1 is active. You can acquire a good focus value from UI.GetAnimFocus.
UIVisual elementColor If you wish to use the coloring from a different element, you can use this to override the theme color used when drawing. This can be a value past UIVisual.Max to use extra UIVisual slots for your own custom UI elements. If these slots are empty, SK will fall back to UIVisual.Default.

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